Inspire A Community
Over the past 15 years, more than 320 students have received their Associates, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees in a variety of fields. The impact these students have extends beyond the achievement an education provides in terms of self-sufficiency, but inspires their families and community.
Young Hopis now see Hopi doctors, lawyers and other professionals who look like them, who come from similar backgrounds and now become role models and inspire higher education.
The HEEF IMAGINE Grants Program also inspires community. IMAGINE Grant recipients implement education projects/programs that are based in Hopi culture, language and values; therefore creating small changes that affect education at the grassroots level while also developing, training and helping our Hopi people grow to be able to meet the needs of the community, both culturally and professionally.
Join us by making a gift to the HEEF, planting a seed to nurture a student who can inspire a community.
Yes, I want to support the educational endeavors of the Hopi people.
via PayPal
Support the Louis Tewanima Scholarship
Louis Tewanima is a famed Hopi runner, who is most famous for winning the Silver Medal in the 10,000-meter Track and Field event in the 1912 Olympics. Tewanima’s legacy is still influential in Hopi villages today. The Louis Tewanima Footrace is a long-standing running event, which honors the legacy of Tewanima. Hosted in the village of Songopavi, the race attracts runners from all over the world. The Louis Tewanima Foundation in partnership with the HEEF is creating a scholarship for incoming Freshman attending an accredited university, which will be called the Louis Tewanima Scholarship.
If you would like to make a donation to support this scholarship, you can do so at the button below.

Make A Donation to Support IMAGINE Grants
The Hopi Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) aims to support educational projects that are geared toward serving Hopi communities. In 2004, it was decided to create a funding source to assist organizations and their educational projects to ensure their effectiveness. Innovative, Motivating, Accessible, Grassroots, Inspiring, Non-Profit, and Everyone (IMAGINE) became the name of this special grant.
IMAGINE Grants are made available annually for local programs that serve Hopi community members in some educational and cultural capacity. The components that organizations integrate into their programming are Hopi Language and Culture, Capacity Building, Effectiveness, Transferability, and Sustainability. Since 2004, we have awarded almost $300,000 in IMAGINE Grants helping programs that were focused on the Hopi language, Hopi culture, agricultural practices, youth programs, elderly programs, sacred site preservation, etc.
If you would like to support the IMAGINE Grants and make a gift specifically for educational programming, you can do so here.
Plant a Seedling
The Hopi people have long valued education. When Oraibi Chief, Looloma returned from Washington D.C. in 1880, he stressed to his people the importance of learning the ways of the white man to ensure their survival as Hopi, both as a nation and a culture.
Today the Hopi people recognize that an education can help and promote its nation-building efforts and protect their unique cultural identity and practices as they face twenty-first century challenges.
To achieve this, the Hopi Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) was established to ensure that opportunities for education will always be available for Hopi students. you can help the Hopi people by planting a seed that will help to grow the fund to support education opportunities for current and future generations.
Nurture A Student
The seed you plant in the form of a financial gift to the fund, will in turn nurture a student.
Since 2001, proceeds from the fund have provided more than $9 million to Hopi students in the form of grants and scholarships for higher education and through IMAGINE Grants for local community education projects that protect & strengthen culture and language, and provide professional & career development.
Tax deductible gifts to the fund can be made in many ways, such as:
Joining SEEDS 4 HEEF (monthly sustainer program)
Creating a named scholarship
Creating a legacy through planned giving
Annual Donation
Seeds 4 HEEF Monthly Giving Program
The Seeds 4 HEEF is our monthly giving program which allows donors to make monthly contributions to the Hopi Education Endowment Fund over the course of a year. This opportunity allows for your gift to make the largest impact. There are several ways to enroll into Seeds 4 HEEF. Download the Seeds enrollment form, fill it out and fax or mail back to us, or enroll online via our PayPal option.
Donate In Honor of a Graduate
Graduation is the finish line for a student’s educational journey. It can also be the starting point for a prosperous and successful life. We celebrate the accomplishments of our students that are graduating from college, high school, or vocational school. Make a donation to honor a student who has accomplished the amazing feat of graduating.
You can make a donation in honor of a graduate and have the option for us to send them a certificate for their accomplishments. This way you can honor your student while making a gift that will help another.